Friday 17 October 2014

How and why to change your Kik Profile Picture

Messaging and texting is not unknown to anyone and the social networks like Facebook or Twitter are even more popular. It is common these days to sit in one corner of the world and talk to someone in entirely a different part of the world with all these social networks and messaging apps in place. To put it in a nutshell- the world is a smaller place to live now.
Social networking sites and messaging apps come with their own rules of communication though and you have to reach a certain level of expertise to actually gain friends from there and become the ultimate ‘cool-texter’. Very much like any other app or site, Kik Messenger also wants you to be a pro.  So you have a profile pic to take care of, an id that could grab some eyeballs and stuff like that. Why you need to be cooler on Kik is because it is a hybrid of both social networking sites and basic messaging mobile apps.
If you are new to Kik and don’t have an idea about how to go about and make modifications, we are here to help. You may easily find some onlineKik users from your own contact as well as outsiders who you can befriend, so no tension about company.  So, we’ll go on and brief you about how you could change your profile picture on Kik.
1.       First of all, launch the Kik app from the app drawer by tapping on the icon of Kik. Once you enter, you’ll see a list of all your online Kik users on your home page.
2.       Now, to avail the configuration options, tap on the settings icon (gear icon) on the top left corner of the screen. You’ll be taken to the main settings home page from where you could configure almost everything.
3.       On the Settings page, you will see your current profile picture (if you had already set one) at the top of the page. You can change this by clicking on “Set Photo,” the button to the bottom right of your currently in use photo.
4.       A menu will pop-up asking if you want to take a picture or use an existing one. Go to the next step if you want to take a picture of yourself right away; skip to the step after if you want to use an existing picture.
5.       Click “Take Picture.”, if you want to take a picture right away. Your camera app will appear. Use your phone’s camera to take a selfie! Your picture will come up on the screen with a crop box around it.
6.       Adjust the crop box by dragging it so that the part of the picture you want people to see is inside the box. Click “Use Photo” to use the photo you just took and make it your new profile pic.
7.       If you don’t want to take a picture but want to use an existing one instead, click “Choose Existing,” and you’ll be taken to your photo gallery. Select the picture you want to use.
Resize the crop box so the part of the picture you want people to see is inside the box. Click “Choose.”
That is pretty much it. You don’t need to do anything more. You will now be able to change your profile picture as and when you want.

This Article Is about Online Kik Users for more information Please Visit Us Website: .